Services That You Satisfied

Our Services


Our Treatments & Services

Regular Oral Checkup And Digital X- Rays

Regular Complete Oral Checkups that Include Digital X- Rays – It is advised to Schedule a Regular Visit to your dentist (Ideally Every 6 Months), so that the we may educate you Time to time regarding your Oral Health and beware you regarding any dental problems that you may experience in future. X-Rays are a major part of this examination to portray the Inside Story. To get a clearer vision to how destroyed the dental tissue is, we need to take the required X – Rays. The X – Rays in MaxCare Dental are digital, who ensure your safety with minimum X- Ray Exposure.

Regular Complete Oral Checkups that Include Digital X- Rays

Simulated Dental Check Up
Dental X- Rays

Ultrasonic Scaling And Polishing

This procedure involves the removal of accumulated food debris from around your teeth, so as to ensure maximum Gum Health to give a Long Life to you Smile.

Ultrasonic Scaling (Tooth Cleaning)
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Bleaching (Tooth Whitening)

This Procedure provides you A Sparkling White Smile by changing the natural shade of your teeth.

Producing Miles of Brighter Whiter Smiles.

Bleaching (Tooth Whitening)

Orthodontic Corrections (Wires & Braces)

Get Your Irregularly Placed teeth aligned with the help of Dental Orthodontics

We Offer
• Metal Brackets
• Ceramic Brackets
• Clear Aligners

Orthodontic Corrections (Wires & Braces)
How braces work
3D Motion
Tooth Movements

Tooth Colored And Amalgam Fillings

To save your decayed tooth from more damage and to give you relief to minor sensitivity (when the cause is caries) we advise Dental Fillings to restore the normal anatomy of your teeth.

TYPES of Fillings
• GIC (Fluoride Fillings)
• Composite (Tooth Colored Laser Fillings)

Tooth Colored And Amalgam Fillings
• What is a filling ?
• Need For filling
• Composite Restorations


We help you Get Rid of Extremely decayed or mobile teeth that are non-salvageable in order to provide you a better replacement. Wisdom tooth sometimes does more harm than good, and hence needs to be taken out. The surgical removal needs bone cutting and specialized techniques which we specialize in.

• Tooth Extractions
• Surgical Extractions for Wisdom Teeth

Root Canal Treatment

Single And Multiple Sitting Root Canal Treatment – A Possible solution to Tooth Decay that may present as Mild to Severe Tooth Pain, Hot/ Cold Sensitivity, Food Lodgment and Pus Collection under the tooth.

• Single And Multiple Sitting Root Canal Treatments

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Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are an option to restoring a damaged tooth or for the replacement for a missing tooth.

• Crowns and Bridges
• Crowns
• Types of Crowns
• Bridge
• Bridge
• Types of bridge

Partial And Complete Dentures

A way of replacing a few or all of your missing teeth to enhance your appearance and aid you in comfortable chewing.

Partial And Complete Dentures

• Partial dentures Link - 1
• Partial dentures Link - 2
• Complete denture Link - 1
• Complete denture Link - 2

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are surgical fixtures which when placed in the jaw help in the replacement of single or multiple teeth without damaging the adjacent teeth.

Dental Implants

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Dental Jewellery

Get jewelry And Accessories placed on the tooth surface to help you express your smile individually with fashion and craze.

Pediatric Dentistry

Specialized Treatments for Children of all Ages – Baby teeth need urgent treatment. Don’t neglect them just because they are going to fall off. How your Permanent teeth will appear depend a great deal on your care for your Baby teeth.

We offer Dental Fillings, Root Canal Treatments, Stainless Steel Crowns, Space Maintainers and Habit Breaking Appliances.

• Specialized Treatments for Children of all Ages Link - 1
• Specialized Treatments for Children of all Ages Link - 2
• Stainless Steel Crowns
• RCT for Baby Teeth
• Partial RCT for baby teeth


A treatment for treating wide variety of dental issues such as stained and discolored teeth

• Venners